Display and ESMM

Note: Error message SORRY THIS TERM IS NOT ABLE TO HANDLE ANY TRANSACTIONS may appear when the cash box is full or has a jam: t/s cash box.

Display Screen


  1. Reset Gemini.

  2. If unable to resolve, contact support. 

Error Message Games Unavailable

  • Troubleshoot the Bill Acceptor.

Terminal is Disabled Message

If the display screen has the message Terminal is Disabled, Sorry for the Inconvenience, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Gemini door.

  2. Press the enable button on the touch screen.

Terminal Disable - Yellow (terminal will work).

Terminal Enable – Green  (terminal will not work).

  1. Close door.

Gemini 2


Display Incorrect / Wrong Slide Show

  1. If the slide show is incorrect, contact support.

  2. If the display is frozen or blank, reset the Gemini.

  3. If problems persist, contact support.